John 5:1-18
Jesus healed the paralytic on the Sabbath day by saying to him, "Get up, take up your bed, and walk." At once the man was healed. Later Jesus saw him a second time and said, "See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you." The Jews were following Jesus, persecuting him for breaking their man-made laws like healing someone on the Sabbath. They were so hardened to what Jesus was doing and who He was that they were out to kill him for speaking the truth and doing the work of His Father. It is God who opens the eyes and it is God who makes wisdom penetrate the soul. Those who reject him are like hardened clay that will not soak up water. But for those who receive Him, He causes their heart to be like fertile moist soil. The seed of life is planted and they grow up strong and confident in the one who tends to them and they bear fruit for Him.
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AuthorJennifer Szczyrbak is an artist, a daughter, a wife and a mom who is learning, growing and being transformed day by day by the God of the universe who knows her better than she knows herself. Archives
December 2019